GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik international mbH
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European Thermal Sprayer (ETS)

EWF Training Course European Thermal Sprayer (ETS) according to Guideline EWF 507-06

Course language: English


Thermal sprayers, workmen, interested people in the field of thermal spraying


Thermal sprayed coatings are applied in many industrial and also high tech sectors. The required quality of thermal sprayed coatings is often very high and can be achieved only by well trained and experienced personnel.
Within the scope of common professional education, the manifold details concerning thermal spraying are not yet taught to the required extent. A supplementary education has been created by the EWF – European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting – by the course of the European Thermal Sprayer. This course is performed according to the training guideline EWF 507-06 (DVS-EWF 1197) and is concluded by exams according to DIN EN ISO 14918. The education as a thermal sprayer according to the EWF standard is acknowledged as complying with DIN EN ISO 14922 – quality requirements of thermal sprayed components.

Required Qualification

Conditions of admission: Normal physical and mental capabilities. The knowledge of the English language, written and oral, should be as good as the participant is able to understand the information and follow instructions given in the course and that he is able to attend the theoretical exams. Basic skills of metal working should be present. If not, a corresponding practical basic education is recommended. The participant shall have also profound experience in practical thermal spraying. Beginners please contact SLV Munich.


5 days

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