The Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH (GSI) was founded 1999 from the DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V. through the integration of four Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalten (SLV).
The GSI works, as a non-profit Ltd, neutral for individuals, handicraft businesses, industry companies, public agencies and research bodies. She is an association of efficient welding technology institutions with over 80 years of experience in joining, cutting and testing technologies. The goal of the GSI mbH is the education, the consultation as well as the technology transfer in Germany and abroad.
The GSI mbh is operating in the fields of education, consultation, expert reports, research, development and testing. With its long-standing experience the GSI mbH guarantees a high level of compentencies in the fields of joining, cutting and testing technologies.
The GSI mbH, Branch SLV Munich is a non-profit institute without fixed funds by public authorties. The charitable nature arises from the theoretical and practical education and training. With our manifold activities we still have to consider economical aspects, to cover the costs involved.
The departments quality assurance, material technology as well as the research and technolgy are part of the economic business operations.
Welding technolgy is a link between a lot of technical fields. It is used everywhere to join, coat or separate parts. A lot of constructions and production processes are only possible because of it. The welding technology uses manifold techniques and energy sources. It intervenes with the structure of the materials, because it melts or deforms the material. It has high requirements to the planning, executing and testing experts.
The welding seam is a joining element of high quality, but also with a high danger for errors. Because of this question of quality assurance are a high priority for the value of a whole building.
German Egyptian Welding Center, El Obour
Jiangsu TUV Product Service Ltd., Shanghai
Laboratorio Trentino srl, Bolzano
Laboratorio Trentino srl, Pergine Valsugana (TN)
Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb
schwab innovations in technology gmbh, Stainz
ISIM Institut of Welding and Material Testing, Timisoara
TÜV Romania S.R.L., Bukarest
TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o, Bratislava
Institut ZA VARILSTVO d.o.o., Ljubljana
TÜV Bayern SAVA d.o.o., Ljubljana
Czech Republic
TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o., Prag
METU Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Zugelassene Prüfer)
TÜV SÜD Group, Esentepe-Istanbul
Our motto is: Everything from one provider!
With our broad range of services we can offer our costumers everything from feasibility studies, procedure tests, over qualification of processes and materials up to their serial production and the training of employees.
Also in our portfolio:
Our employees supervise you with the product development form the pre-serial production to the zero series with pursuing studies in the GSI mbH, Branch SLV Munich as well as on site. We will optimize the manufacturing parameters, determine the disturbance variables and perform procedure testings. Naturally we are also available with the introduction to serial production.
Often small and middle sized companies do not have the manpower to carry out a product development. Furthermore especially small and middle sized comapnies can profit from tailored funding programmes. Currently a totally new programm started. Small and middle sized companies can be founded with up to 25.000 €
Please feel free to contact us! We are happy to help!
Dr. Laura Sfercoci
Quality assurance
Tel.: +49 89 126802 -47
E-Mail: sfercoci(at)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Ott
Ausbildung, Entwicklung, Forschung (AEF)
Tel.: +49 89 126802-69
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us personally or via our contact form.
Id you have suggestion or ideas how we can improve, please let us know here.