The practical training of welders in the GSI mbH NL SLV Munich is based on the training standards of the German Welding Society (DVS) and the International Institute of Welding (IIW) to become a "international welder" and includes the practical and theoretical education and training of welders (eg. acc. to DVS-IIW/EWF 1111-1, DVS 2281 or DVS 2282) graduating with welding certificates (eg. acc. to DIN EN ISO 9606-1, DIN EN 13067 or DVS 2212-1).
The goal of the practical training is the welding of rehearsal and the exam parts and the teaching of skills, of the material behavior and the relevant standards and safety regulations. The practical training teaches the participatns the extensive skills that are relevant for the work in the areas of production and assembly.
The international standards (eg. acc. to DIN EN ISO 9606-1, DIN EN 13067 or DVS 2212-1) provide a system for testing welders in order to assess their manual skills for defined areas of validity. They are used for quality assurance for a specific activity.
The IIW guidelines offer a combination of comprehensive specialist and practical training and further education, which is supplemented by specialist examinations and tests, including welding examinations.
For more detailed information about the approval of welders, simply click here.
Where else? Who can do it?
Within the training of welders there are manifold special areas and special regulations, respectively not ruled by the international standards DIN EN ISO 9606 alone or requiring special, additional skills and knowledge.
These are fields of welding the GSI can offer its competence in a special way.
Concerning all questions on practical education and training we recommend individual advice in the GSI NL SLV Munich.