GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik international mbH
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Schweißtechnik - WeiterbildungschweißenSchweißtechnik Indrustrie

Electrotechnology and electronics

Electrotechnology and electronics are amongst the most significant branches of the economy worldwide and modern life would be inconceivable without them. Electrotechnology can be roughly divided into heavy-current and weak-current technology. Heavy-current technology is mainly split into the fields of energy and drive technology. In the field of weak-current technology, emphasis should be placed on communications technology from which electronics have also originated.

Electrical energy technology deals with the generation of electrical energy as well as with the transmission and conversion of it. This also includes high-voltage technology. Nowadays, electrical energy is largely generated by transforming mechanical-rotatory energy using generators (thermal power stations, hydroelectric power stations and wind power installations) or photovoltaics (solar panels).

The latest developments in the field of electrotechnology are leading to constantly new challenges for joining technology. The field of offshore wind power stations may be cited as an example. Here, processes and procedures must be developed in order to join high-voltage and extra-high-voltage lines in an operationally safe way for underwater utilisation. On the other hand, increasingly filigree joining processes must also be developed for the integrated circuits which are becoming ever smaller.

In drive technology, electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy using electric motors. Current challenges result from the development of hybrid and electric vehicles.

The largest utilisation field of weak-current technology is for communications technology as well as electronics. In this respect, today's communications technology is inconceivable without electronics, particularly electronic components and integrated circuits. In modern society, electronics are indispensable in the fields of communication and entertainment.

In the field of offshore high-voltage cables, GSI plays a decisive role in the development of corresponding joining processes. Moreover, we train welders for this demanding task.

GSI has its own laboratory for microjoining technology and provides you with support during the development of optimum joining processes for your applications in the fields of electrotechnology and electronics. The technical equipment consists of several resistance welding installations, arc welding installations with microTIG, a microplasma installation, a laser welding installation and an ultrasonic welding installation. Furthermore, investigations and development tasks can be carried out with regard to thermocompression welding, wire bonding, soldering and adhesive bonding.

GSI provides you with support and advice with regard to all questions for everything to do with the subjects of materials, joining processes, testing procedures, corrosion protection as well as personnel qualification and training.

All over the world and everything from one source.

We are looking forward to you and your questions.