GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik international mbH
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Thermal spraying

"Thermal spraying" is a coating procedure from the field of surface technology which can be used in order to produce functional coatings made of metal, ceramic and plastic.

Brief description

The consumable (mostly in a powder or wire form) is fed to a gun where it is partially melted and accelerated and is thus thrown on to the prepared substrate (component).

The procedure is characterised by the fact that the component is mostly not melted completely in this respect and can, so to speak, remain "cold".

The selection of spraying consumables is nearly unlimited since all the materials which exhibit a molten phase can be processed as alloys or mixtures.

Moreover, the components may be made of the most diverse materials, e.g. metal, ceramic and plastic right up to fabric materials.

The energy sources which are utilised for thermal spraying mostly result from the combustion of fuel gas and oxygen (e.g. flame spraying) or an electric energy source (e.g. arc and plasma spraying).

Functional utilisation fields

  • Wear protection
  • Corrosion protection
  • Component repair
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Electrical insulation
  • Special friction or sliding properties
  • Special surface structure (wetting behaviour etc.)
  • Thermal barrier coating etc.

Industrial utilisation fields

  • Printing and paper industries
  • Aerospace
  • Automobile and rail vehicle sectors
  • Mechanical engineering and electrotechnology
  • Medical technology etc.

Utilised materials

  • Metals and alloys
  • Carbides in metal matrices
  • Oxide ceramics
  • Plastics etc.

Most common spraying procedures

  • Detonation spraying
  • Flame spraying (with wire or powder)
  • High-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying
  • Cold gas spraying
  • Arc spraying
  • Plasma spraying (atmospheric or in a vacuum)



With regard to all aspects of the subject of thermal spraying, we offer a wide spectrum of services in cooperation with GSI mbH NL SLV Duisburg. Modern technical equipment which enables the following spraying procedures is used in this respect:

  • Flame spraying with powder
  • Flame spraying with wire
  • Plasma spraying
  • High-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying

If you need specialist advice, please get in touch with our experts.

Training & education and testing of personnel

An important part of the right use of the thermal spraying are the knowledge and the skills of the personnel. We assist the performing companies and carry out the training of the personnel in-house as well as in your company.

European thermal sprayer specialist ETSS

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Course offer

2025-23-06 - 2025-11-07, München

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 Spraying specialist according to DVS®-Guideline

European Thermal Spraying Specialist ( ETSS) nach DVS®-EWF Guideline 1188


Supervision/Coordination personnel, foremen, executives in the field of thermal spraying

Short description:

High-quality and economic thermal spraying requires special technical knowledge. Thermally sprayed coatings are applied in many fields. The requirements to the quality of the sprayed coatings are often very high. The necessary quality of the coating is only efficient if panning, execution and controlling of a thermally sprayed layer is performed by a skilled expert from the first draft to the end of the worksphop job. 

Within the scope of the common professional education the manifold details to be observed for expert spraying cannot be taugt to the required extent. A supplementary educatoin is required which has been crated by the EWF - European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting - with the course of the European Thermal Spraying Specialist.

Required qualification

a) Specific technical qualifications as a foremen in the trade or industry, education either as a technician or engineer with two years of professional experience.

b) EWF qualification accoridng to EWF training guideline ( EWF 507) as a European Thermal Sprayer (ETS) and a minimum of 2 years of professional experience.

c) Thermal Sprayer and 5 years of professional experience or qualification as a skilled worker trained in the metal processing and a minimum of 3 years experiene in a technology similar to spraying (skilled worker with certificate by the IHK - Industry of Trade and Commerce), required age 22 years. 


Partictipants, who are only fulfilling the required qualification accordnig to b) and c) a qualification test is required.

Thermal Sprayer ETS

Course Thermal Sprayer

European Thermal Sprayer (ETS) according to DVS® EWF guideline 1197

This course addresses to thermal sprayers and workers with practical experience of the TS-process to be tested in. Interested people in the field of thermal spraying may participate as listeners

Brief description
Thermal sprayed coatings are used in many applications and areas. The requirements and standards for the quality of the sprayed coatings are frequently very high. The required quality of the sprayed coating while maintaining a high degree of efficiency can be ensured only if employees are appropriately trained and sufficiently experienced. The primary goal for employing qualified personnel is to increase the quality of the products and to comply with corresponding rules and specifications concerning occupational health and safety as well as product liability.

The many details and special skills necessary for high quality, expert spraying cannot be conveyed within the scope of normal technical training. The European Federation for Welding, Joining, and Cutting (EWF) created the “European Thermal Sprayer” training course for just this purpose. The “Thermal Sprayer” training course is conducted nationwide according to the EWF guideline and concludes with an examination based on this EWF guideline and DIN EN ISO 14918. The EWF guideline harmonizes the training of flame, arc, plasma, and highvelocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) sprayers across all of Europe. The DIN EN ISO standard 14922 ff. for the quality requirements of thermal sprayed components recognizes the EWF training of thermal sprayers as a qualification for meeting these standards.

For entry to the course normal physical and mental capability is assumed. Knowledge and basic skill in metalworking is required -supplementary training is recommended if this should not be the case. Course attendees and teachers shall have good command of English in reading and writing so that course attendees can successfully participate in instructions and take part in the theoretical tests.

Next seminars

Course offer

2025-23-06 - 2025-11-07, München

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Exams for thermal sprayers

Examination of thermal sprayers

according to DIN EN ISO 14918

Setters, opertators, interested people in the field of thermal spraying

Brief description
The DIN EN ISO 14918 „Examination of thermal sprayers" is an international valid testing standard, which is demanded by specific branches such as railway, aviation, power plant technolgy etc. as a requirement for coatings. The exam according to the standard can take place at your company or at a SLV facility, the test pieces will be tested in our accredited testing laboratory.

For the following procedures it is possible to take an theoretical and practical exam:

  • High-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying
  • Plasma spraying (atmospheric)
  • Arc spraying
  • Flame spraying with powder
  • Flame spraying with wire

The exam according to DIN EN ISO 14918 has a validation of 3 years. (The DIN EN ISO 14918-exam is also part of the ETS-course.)

Next seminars

Course offer

2025-23-06 - 2025-11-07, München

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Metallography and material testing of thermal sprayed coats


Everyone who deals with thermal spraying like metallographs, thermal sprayers, spraying supervision personnel.

Brief description

In order to get a consistent, defined quality for thermal sprayed coatings demanded by the costumer, a secure method for the process monitoring examination of the relevant coating characteristics is necessary.

Various possibilties of testing methods as well as wear tests will be presented. One of the most secure ways of the assessment of sprayed coats is the metallographic examination,which is performed on accompanying samples or sprayed component samples.

The participants methodically study in theory and practice the correct manufacturing of informative cuts of sprayed coats. In addition, you will be able to identify causes of defects due to spraying technology or sample preparation, and, if necessary initiate corrective measures.

The correct selection of the spraying filler material as well as knowledge about the various manufacturing procedures, ordering processes and factory certification are also skill the participants will learn.

Those topics are particularly important to avoid complaints, follow-up costs and to strengthen the costumer trust.

The participants are encouraged to bring their own cuts or samles to embed and evaluate.


 We are a certified inspection body of the Association Thermal Spraying (GTS). Since 20 years we perform certifications of companies on behalf of the GTS.

With a GTS certificate, a spraying company proves to its interested parties (e.g. client company) that it has a quality management system and that, in addition, its processes and personnel are regularly inspected by a neutral inspection body.

Contact person

SLV München